"Hey, what's this? Sarah Chao has another blog? Where is she going now? Well, as long as I don't have to keep track of seventeen bajillion cities like last time, I guess I'll check it out."
Yes! The rumors are true! I've been in the US of A for far too long (7 months?) and it's time to get the heck out of Dodge. Where to this time? Well, if you've managed to remain ignorant up to this point, past the website URL and around the big fat title, I'm going to UKRAINE! I'll be living in the capitol city of Kiev, the third largest Russian-speaking city in the WORLD.
"What? Where the heck is that?"
Well, I'll show you:
There she is, the Beautiful Black sea and her surrounding countries. The peach-colored area is Russia, by the way. Do you see Kiev? In that big Orange country labeled Ukraine? Yeah. I'm going there.
"But why? I thought you wanted to be in Russia, so why Ukraine?"
Why not? Ukrainians still speak Russian, and I wouldn't mind picking up some Ukrainian either. I'm going for a teaching internship, where I'll be teaching English and Learning Russian at the NovaMova language school.
"When do you leave? How long will you be gone? Why don't you love me anymore??"
Calm down! I leave on September 23rd, and I'll be back before you know it (i.e. December 20th). Don't worry, I still love you all, and I'll be back for Christmas. In the meantime, wish me luck! Send me mail! Wire me money! I'll spend as much time with as many people as I can before I leave in a month.
Borsch and Shii forever,