As you can see, I DID manage to make it to that soccer game with my friends. A great first half, followed by some ridiculous red cards in the second half that lead to our demise (but also a very exciting game --- incredulous yelling, chanting, and fights on the field). The game, however, began the cycle of goodbyes for me as well. Time to say farewell to all my friends in Kiev, one at a time.
First of all, I had each of my students to say goodbye to. We had our final classes, and at the end of each one there were lots of hugs and "I'll miss you's" and promises to return. My favorite student, an AWESOME 12-year old, was my last goodbye on Friday evening. Every week we met and talked about everything, from the difficulty of his Math courses to Japanese martial arts practice. I couldn't help but cry when we said goodbye, and his parents gave me a framed ruble note from the USSR as a Christmas/Going away present. I gave them all about a million hugs, and it still wasn't enough...
Although I'm not very fond of goodbyes, I invited my friends and coworkers to spend some time with me on my last day, just relaxing and talking in my kitchen, keeping me company while I finished packing for my long journey beginning at 5am the next morning. We had tea, coffee, and food of all sorts (because people brought snacks, and because I had SO much food in my fridge to use up). It was nice to have that final good-bye at my own place.
It was a great three months, there's no denying it! I'm so glad I clicked on that stupid facebook link that started the whole thing. I'm so happy I such a wonderful chance to teach, to practice my Russian, and to travel! I'll miss Kiev, especially all the amazing people I've met there, but I know that I'll be back someday soon. Goodbye, and goodnight!
Love always,